Just like the skin, hair is linked to overall self-confidence. If you are struggling with thinning, or balding, you may think a surgical hair transplant is the only option, however PRP for hair loss is a highly effective treatment method, and it is non-surgical.  

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP therapy can be used to encourage the formation of new hair. Historically, PRP has been very popular in the medical field for years, assisting sportsmen recovering from injuries. However, medical professionals soon realised it was highly effective in treating a number of other conditions, including hair loss.  

Now, like surgical transplants, PRP for hair loss isn’t a miracle cure, but it can be an effective treatment in stimulating hair growth and banishing bald patches. 

What is PRP for Hair loss

PRP for hair loss is a series of injections containing platelet-rich plasma made from a patient’s own blood. Within the blood, there are several nutrients, including, platelets to support coagulation, a yellowish substance, known as plasma, and growth-stimulating proteins known as growth factors to support overall health and body functionality. These nutrients are injected into the scalp, to encourage the body to begin its natural healing process. 

This natural healing process stimulates collagen production within the body, which in turn encourages dormant hair follicles to start producing new hair. 

How does it work?

Overall PRP is a minimally invasive procedure and can take around one hour to perform depending on the area being treated.

It works by extracting blood from the patient’s arm, similar to a blood test. This blood is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma. The plasma is then injected into several scalp regions. Typically, patients require 40 to 50 shots per session.

As this is a relatively non-invasive treatment, PRP for hair loss requires no real downtime. You may experience slight tenderness and redness of the scalp, but this is completely natural and will heal itself after a couple of days. 

For full results, you will need to undergo three treatments spaced eight weeks apart. 

Four to six weeks after treatment, you may start to notice fresh hair growth, but to maintain the benefits of PRP for hair loss, you will require maintenance treatments every six-twelve months.

Who is PRP hair loss treatment suitable for?

As it uses nothing more than your blood, PRP is considered one of the safest aesthetic treatments on the market today. Generally speaking, it is suitable for anybody who maintains a healthy lifestyle. However, there are some conditions in which PRP may not be suitable, including:

– Women who are pregnant 

– Hepatitis C


– Blood cancer/ skin cancer

– Cardiovascular disease, which requires blood thinning medication

For more information on PRP for hair loss, or to book a consultation book consultation, contact Ness Aesthetics.

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