What Russian lips are?

Well, that is what we will explore in this blog. Russian lips is a technique used by aesthetic professionals that strategically uses dermal fillers to add volume and shape to the lips so that they resemble that of a doll. 

This technique originally came from Russia and has since become one of the top performed techniques in Hollywood. The Russian lips technique accentuates your cupid’s bow and create a heart shape by injecting additional filler to the center of the lips, whilst the sides remain in line with the face. This achieves an almost doll-like appearance for the lips.

How is the Russian lips technique different?

To achieve Russian lips, the clinician must adopt a slightly different technique than when performing standard lip augmentations. Usually, lip fillers work by injecting filler horizontally into the lips for volume throughout. The Russian lips technique is slightly different. 

First, your clinician will use a smaller syringe, and inject smaller amounts of filler vertically into your lips, paying special attention to the center of your lips, where your cupid’s bow is. The filler can then be spread evenly throughout the rest of the lip to achieve fullness and shape. 

The Russian lips technique is a little more precise than standard dermal fillers and therefore takes a little longer to perform. You can expect treatment to take up to one hour. 

What are the side effects of Russian Lips?

The side effects for Russian lips are the same as the standard lip fillers.  You can expect some temporary, mild swelling or bruising around your lips which may last for a couple of days, before settling down. 

To help with any swelling or tenderness, and avoid any complications, you should:

Take paracetamol – this will help to ease any discomfort you might experience following your treatment

Avoid heavy exercise – Avoid going to the gym or doing any strenuous exercise for around 48 hours. You should also avoid extreme temperatures, including direct sunlight and saunas. 

Avoid make-up – Try to avoid using any form of makeup or skincare around your lips for at least 24 hours, unless instructed otherwise by your clinician. You should also avoid kissing or massaging your lips, especially if this is your first lip treatment. 

Stay Hydrated – Drink plenty of water following your procedure and avoid alcohol for around 24 hours. 

 Any side effects should ease themselves after a few days, but if you have any concerns, you should contact your aesthetician. 

The effects of Russian lips should last the same amount of time as standard lip fillers, and results will start to wear off between 6 months – 1 year.

For more information on Russian lips, or to book a consultation contact us at Ness Aesthetics today.

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